Gallery test

For testing various lcp entries.

  • Elizabeth Brannin – 4-23-24

    Elizabeth Brannin sent this beautiful batch of Arboretum pictures, noting “Even though it’s quite cold Spring is in bloom.”

    Thanks, Elizabeth, for braving the chill to captures these images of Spring.

  • Steve Kanan – 4/20/24

    These pictures sent by Steve Kanan after his Saturday visit show off spring blossoms — mostly tulips, but with a daffodil and flowering trees for good measure. Thanks, Steve, for the lovely pictures.

  • Katharine Boyle – 4/18/24

    Katharine Boyle wrote on April 18th, “Today’s rainfall and this evening’s cloudy sky made for some good photo opportunities of some lovely subjects. Here are photo highlights from tonight’s visit. “

    Spring brings change every day of the week. Thanks to Katharine for capturing another day at the Arboretum on its journey through the seasons.

  • Katharine Boyle 4/15/24

    Katharine Boyle emailed yesterday, “Enclosed are some images from my visit to the arboretum Monday evening. The image of the ladybug is quite interesting. It wasn’t until I looked through the images tonight that I realized those little green dots are likely family members of the ladybug! Nature always amazes me. 

    Thanks, Katharine. Nature is indeed putting on a great display.

  • At the Arboretum – 4/17/24

    On this glorious day it’s all about the infinite variety of spring bulbs. From the diminutive species tulips in the alpine raised bed and the many forms of daffodils, to the stately tulips and frothy narcissus in the entry borders, you have to marvel at the amazing display that bulbs provide. However, the blooms don’t last long, so plan to visit the Arboretum soon!

    Thank you, Judy Snow, for the lovely words and photos!

  • Sunday Saunter – 4/14/24

    Spring has taken the Arboretum by storm with bulbs, flowers and flowering trees putting on a splendid display as shown in these images from frequent contributor, Steve Kanan.

    Thanks to Steve for letting us see that the cold ugly days of earlier spring have paid off yet again.

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