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  • Photos from Katharine Boyle 3-18-24

    Katharine Boyle sent these beautiful pictures from her visit to the Arboretum on Sunday, saying, ” I went to the arboretum yesterday and was especially enamored by the hyacinths in sight and smell. It’s very inspiring seeing new flowers budding all around!”

    Thanks Katharine for the great images of Spring.

  • At the Arboretum 3/12/24

    Spring is decidedly in the air! Blue skies, temperatures in the 60s and many plants beginning to break ground, budding and blooming. The Prunus mume cv. Kobai (Japanese Apricot) is in full bloom against the Carriage House wall, its flowers’ sweet scent wafting through the air, calling to humans and bees alike. The delicate little yellow/green flowers of the Corylopsis gotoana ‘March Jewel’ (Winterhazel) are beginning to open on the plant’s bare branches.near the arbor and a bunch of Hyacinth buds are getting ready to burst into bloom by Matilda’s Cottage.

    Don’t miss all this early spring activity at the Arboretum! Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • At the Arboretum – 3/5/24

    Chilly, rainy and damp, but spring will not be deterred!!! The first daffodil flower is about to open, the Edgeworthia buds are finally beginning to show their pretty little flowers and a nice clump of purple Crocus buds are about to burst open.

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • At the Arboretum 2/27/24

    Spring is coming, you can feel it in the air and hear it in the birds’ songs!!! The tiniest and most delicate little Irises are blooming in the gravel/crevice garden, lovely yellow and white and pretty lavender and white flowers, standing no more that 6-7 inches tall. A busy little bee was climbing all over the Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite) flowers looking for an early snack. And the Adonis amurensis ( Pheasant’s Eye) is in bloom next to Matilda’s Cottage. It is wonderful to walk around the grounds and discover all these little gems.

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • At the Arboretum 2-20-24

    Another snowfall over the weekend is keeping the grounds covered under a white blanket. Crisp, clear and cold today, but the sky was a magnificent shade of blue. The fuzzy buds of a Magnolia x ‘Butterflies’ (Hybrid Magnolia) were lovely against the azure sky. I was lucky enough to capture a male Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) flitting about in the shrubs along the Four Seasons Garden path. A patch of lemon yellow Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconite) is blooming in the snow under the Cornus alba cv. Siberica (Red Twig Dogwood) providing a nice contrast between the yellow flowers and the red twigs on the Dogwood.

    The days are getting longer, Daylight Saving Time is due to arrive on Sunday, March 10th and Spring is less than a month away. To quote Leo Tolstoy in Anna Karenina “Spring is the time of plans and projects”, for me that means thinking about my garden, creating new beds and introducing new plants.

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • At the Arboretum 2/13/24

    A freshly fallen blanket of snow covered the grounds at the Arboretum late this afternoon. As the sun was setting, the Frelinghuysen Mansion looked serene and peaceful surrounded by snow with a regal Gymnocladus dioica (Kentucky Coffee Tree) standing sentinel in the foreground. The Bacchus herm at the end of the Holly walk by Matilda’s Cottage sported a snowy cap and cold shoulder and the delicate, strappy flowers of the Hamamelis vernalis ‘Red Imp’ (Red Imp Witch Hazel) seemed immune to the snow covering the shrub.

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

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