At the Arboretum 11/7/23

The Dogwood is a wonderful small tree, offering something of interest in all seasons. The familiar flowers in spring can be white or pink (the showy parts are actually bracts, with the true flower a cluster in the middle). Late summer brings fruit, red berries of different shapes and sizes depending on the variety. Fall color can be spectacular, with vibrant reds and oranges. Winter is a great time to see the various types of bark exhibited by the different types of Dogwood.

Observed at the Arboretum this week are the elongated, oval, orange/red leaves of Cornus cv. Hyperion brightening up a cloudy day. The nicely shaped Kousa Dogwood tree next to the parking lot has red, yellow and orange leaves and its exfoliating bark is a patchwork of various shades of peach, beige and grey.

Picture credits: Margery Ennist.