Thursday 08-20-20 12:00 am (Eastern) 7:00 pm

The Friends of The Frelinghuysen Arboretum are happy to work with the Rutgers Master Gardeners to bring you this free program.
Master Gardener, Linda Zenkert, will discuss the process of choosing adaptable plants for your home.
If you would like to add the warmth and decorative quality of indoor plants to your home, but are too busy or don’t have the information needed to take care of them, this presentation is for you. We will discuss the importance of choosing adaptable houseplants and those that tolerate neglect. Plants that will forgive inconsistent watering and lack of proper lighting, yet reward you with continued growth. The presentation includes suggestions for using plants in small spaces, in low-light areas, and how to group plants to encourage growth and create attractive focal areas in a room.
Registration for this program is free. THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL. To be added to the waitlist, please fill out this registration form by clicking here.
A Zoom link has been sent to all except those on the waitlist. If you have not received your Zoom link, please check your spam folder. Please contact with any questions.