Gallery test

For testing various lcp entries.

  • Today at the Arboretum – 5/6/22

    Mother Nature is showing us her very best, even on a cool, rainy day! Enjoy the photos of a Cornus florida rubra tree (Pink Flowering Dogwood) and flower closeup, Iris cv. Dark Vader and Paeonia tenuifolia (Fernleaf Peony).

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • A Spring Visit by Litsa Balaska

    Thanks to Litsa Balaska for these beautiful Spring pictures of the Frelinghuysen Arboretum.

  • Today at the Arboretum – 5/4/22

    The Tulip show at The Frelinghuysen Arboretum has been truly spectacular this year, close up as well as from a distance. However, as we all know, all good things must come to an end, so as the show dwindles, please enjoy these lovely photos taken by Heather Emelander.

  • Today at the Arboretum – 4/27/22

    Today at the Arboretum – 4/27/22

    Another cloudy, cool day, but the Arboretum’s grounds are coming alive with lots of color, texture and scents to delight the senses. The Tulips at the entrance to the Haggerty Education Center have changed from an all yellow display to a beautiful combination of yellow, orange and a few deep red flowers; there is a miniature Aquilegia flabellata cv. Nana (Dwarf Japanese Columbine) blooming in the rock garden and a Malus ‘Maypole’ (Columnar Maypole Apple) is in full bloom in the vegetable garden. Make sure to visit soon, you won’t be sorry!

    Picture credits: Margery Ennist.

  • Photos from Katharine Boyle – 4/25/22

    Frequent contributor, Katharine Boyle sent these beautiful perspectives of Spring with this comment, “I finally visited my favorite arboretum again on Sunday, and here are some of my favorite images.”

    Thanks for these images of spring at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum.

  • Sunday Saunter – 4/24/22

    Enjoy these fine pictures of spring in its glory at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum from frequent contributor, Steve Kanan.

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