At the Arboretum 1/15/24

Prior to Monday’s snowfall, I found the parking lot littered with the interesting and complex seedpods fallen from the nearby Liquidambar styraciflua cv. Slender Silhouette (Columnar American Sweetgum); these round, spiky seed pods make excellent Christmas tree decorations and can be used in dried flower arrangements as well. A Pieris japonica cv. Valley Rose (Japanese Pieris or Andromeda) is covered in tiny, reddish flower buds ready to burst open early in the spring. The delicate, dried flowers of Hakonechloa macra cv. Albostriata (Variegated Japanese Forest Grass) provide subtle winter interest in the gardens. And last, but not least, the “evergreen” yellow leaves on the Ilex glabra cv. Goldmine, perhaps? (Variegated Inkberry Holly) provide a bright, golden spot in an otherwise colorless bed.

There is much to see in a winter garden, you may have to look a bit harder, but your efforts will be rewarded!

Picture credits, Margery Ennist.